Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation: Learn how to harness Artificial Intelligence to boost business & make our world more human” by Pascal Bornet, Ian Barkin, and Jochen Wirtz is a groundbreaking reference book on Intelligent Automation (IA). Let’s dive into the review:

  1. Overview:
    • IA, also known as Hyperautomation, combines methods like machine learning, low-code platforms, and robotic process automation (RPA).
    • The book covers IA’s impact on work, life, and society.
  2. Key Points:
    • What is IA? It’s a cutting-edge blend of technologies involving people, organizations, and AI.
    • Why is IA Important?
      • Rapid expansion due to benefits for employees, companies, and customers.
      • Efficiency gains of 20% to 60% achieved by leading organizations.
    • Impact Beyond Business:
      • IA can save lives, improve education, address hunger, and enhance resilience during crises.
  3. Examples from the Book:
    • Use Cases:
      • Healthcare: IA can predict disease outbreaks, optimize hospital operations, and personalize patient care.
      • Education: Automating administrative tasks frees up teachers to focus on students.
      • Environment: IA helps monitor pollution, manage waste, and conserve resources.
    • Real-World Successes:
      • Industry-Specific: From finance to manufacturing, IA transforms processes.
      • Efficiency Gains: Organizations achieve significant cost savings.
      • Human-AI Collaboration: IA augments human capabilities.
  4. Testimonials:
    • Bernard Marr calls it “one of the most important books of our times.”
    • Arianna Huffington recommends it for anyone concerned about the future of work.
    • Klaus Schwab (founder of the World Economic Forum) praises its insights.