Single Use Plastic Ban: #TimeSUP

There is a proposal by Indian Government to ban single use plastic. On Gandhi Jayanti (Oct 2nd), this ban about single use plastic is widely covered in all media. Many articles and ads are appearing on mass media about the severe problem of plastic – how it is going to kill out planet – and how our coming generations should be saved from this monster. Many brands are already riding this save the planet wave.

Interestingly, some very unusual/unsuspecting brands have used this opportunity to convey their benefits on mass media and not digital only mode. Here are few – ofcourse Amul is in different league of newsjacking.


Amul Plastic Ban


Rasna is a surprise edition as they dont deal with storage at all. They appeal to carry Rasna sachet with reusable bottle.
Rasna Plastic Ban


Savlon? Simple save the planet message with some nice word twisting.

Savlon Plastic Ban


Tupperware latches on the golden opportunity to push their products.

Tuppreware Plastic Ban

So, lets join the #TimeSUP to stop using single use plastic for the sake of our planet.