The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI

End of marketing

End of Marketing (by Carlos Gill) – First of all, do not get confused with the title that “Marketing is Finished“. What the author of this book want to convey is that ‘marketing as we know it, ceases to exist’.

Traditional marketing is failing in today’s digital, always-on world as social networks have become the standard. Companies all around the world are struggling to figure out how to stay relevant in the turbulent digital ocean. Traditional marketing as we know it is obsolete in a time when a YouTube celebrity receives more daily impressions than Nike, Coca-Cola, and Walmart put together. The book reflects a similar approach like “The Fluid Consumer: Next Generation Growth and Branding in the Digital Age“.

The way brands, agencies, and marketers should approach marketing is revolutionized by The End of Marketing. This book will teach you about new features and emerging platforms that will engage customers and employees, covering everything from how Donald Trump won the American presidency using social media to why Kim Kardashian is one of the biggest online brands in the world and the impact of bots and automation. Learn to design better paid strategies that will help you dominate your markets, hear from some of the biggest brands and content creators in the world, and discover ambitious content ideas.

According to The End of Marketing, the crucial connection between a company and its consumers still need the human touch, regardless of how simple it may be to reach them. Discover how to restore the social component of social media and assert brand relevance in a world where algorithms rule, organic reach is declining, and consumers choose engagement over sales pitches.

Though the concept is not new. In fact, Harvard Business Review, has published an article with a proactive title, “Marketing Is Dead” which states that “Traditional marketing — including advertising, public relations, branding and corporate communications — is dead. Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they’re operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear.”

The key message here is: In the new era of social media, traditional marketing is dead.

So, its time to rewrite the marketing rules to meet the needs for fluid consumers who have access to the whole world on a digital screen.