Generative AI: Going from dull text to the glamour of images

Generative AI

Generative AI: Going from dull text to the glamour of images – ChatGPT has hogged a fair share of limelight in last few weeks. It has overshadowed the craze of metaverse and emerged as the new dominating force, which will change the world forever.

Some experts are already predicting doomsday (as in typical Hollywood movies). Italy has even blocked it due to privacy concerns.

Perhaps, education is one area, where generative AI has its most impact.

However, in this post, i am not going to discuss ChatGPT, but the other tools built on generative AI, that can create images, videos, and even power point.

Midjourney is a similar AI based tool that creates excellent creative images based on input texts.

For example, can you imagine how Donald Trump or Bill Gates will look if they were the poorest instead of wealthiest?

generative AI Donald Trump
Donald Trump generative AI

Or just imagine, a picture of milkyway in the glass bottle, or of an innocent Valkyrie, or how a cat will like like as a Knight?

Well, the opportunities are endless and interested readers can explore and try it out at the midjourney website.

In between, i asked ChatGPT – “how generative AI can help image artists?“.  Here you go 🙂

Generative AI can help image artists in several ways:

  1. Generating ideas: Generative AI can be used to generate new ideas and inspiration for image artists. For example, a generative AI model could create a set of random images that an artist could use as a starting point for their own work.
  2. Automating repetitive tasks: Image artists often have to perform repetitive tasks, such as retouching or resizing images. Generative AI can be trained to perform these tasks automatically, freeing up the artist’s time to focus on more creative work.
  3. Augmenting creativity: Generative AI can help artists create new and innovative images by generating new visual content based on existing images. This can help artists to explore new creative possibilities and push the boundaries of their work.
  4. Generating realistic 3D models: Generative AI can be used to generate realistic 3D models of objects and scenes, which can be useful for image artists who work with 3D modeling software.
  5. Enhancing images: Generative AI can be used to enhance images by adding details or correcting imperfections. For example, a generative AI model could be trained to remove noise from images or to fill in missing details.

Overall, generative AI can be a valuable tool for image artists, helping them to generate new ideas, automate repetitive tasks, explore new creative possibilities, and enhance their work.


PS: All the image credit goes to original uploader at midjourney website.