Use of celebrities for advertising is pretty common. The question of interest is to bring harmony between the brand persona and celebrity persona to derive maximum value. However, in Indian context, it’s totally different. You can easily find celebrities endorsing more than 50 brands that range from antiseptic cream, undergarments, luxury products, automobiles, stationery and soft-drinks. Still, some common theme prevails, for example, sports person are endorsing sports brands or energy drinks and glamorous actors are promoting deos and cosmetics. But, marketing belongs to the creative and genius of the world who are a notch above the rest.
Say, the most famous chef of the country will endorse which brands? Mostly, food products or spices. Can anyone link him with washing clothes in the strangest dreams? The answer is yes and that’s what Ariel (P&G) has done successfully. In a very innovative way, Ariel uses Sanjeev Kapoor (chef) in promoting its detergent. In the ad, Mr. Kapoor is having a discussion with females using mix of words pointing to a recipe and later it becomes clear that he is mixing stuff to wash them using ariel. He asked the females in lead to come and take up the challenge. Interestingly, he also uses the very famous tagline of ‘sharing the load’.
I would say a fresh breeze of creativity and ingenuity, a genuine effort! Please share what you think about this in comments.
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