Emotional or Rational: Another senseless campaign from Ford SUV.

NIKE Dream Crazier

Emotional or Rational  debate exists even before the big bang happened! And majority of brands are still falling in the endless pit of social/cause specific ad content to make an emotional connect with their consumers. Read more about rational decisions here.

In India, SUV means power, status and a license to kill (on road of-course!). While Jeep is launching the red hot ads, Ford SUV for reasons beyond comprehension is running a campaign with #DiscoverMoreInYou. Ford decided to go with an EMOTIONAL aka Karan Johar type saga.

Check the (pathetic) ad. A female driver (for a change) driving the Ford SUV on a nice hill/scenic road – she tells her plans (or rather announces it) of adopting a kid. Her father presumably gets upset, asks her to stop the car. Then (wow the surprise – the anticipation – we didn’t die thinking why Katappa killed Bahubali, but here we die in anticipation about what next). And yes, surprisingly (like the  Iron man in Endgame), the father returns with a child seat.

Seriously, this is the level of creativity at Ford? Yeah you may get some pat on the back on social media about great social message, but what about your brand image of SUV? Soft, powerful, social, or SENSELESS? Another BMH“banging my head” ad which screams that don’t replace rationality by blind emotional appeal, else you end up as an Emotional fool.

Using a female to portray powerful aspect of SUV can be executed with amazing results – learn it from Nike Dream Crazy campaign with Serena Williams and other female athletes.


Nike shows the real power of women. (Emotional or Rational ?)

NIke Emotional vs. Rational