fingerpointemoji: A New Social Trend #fingerpointemoji

fingerpointemoji is a new quirky trend happening on social media – twitter and Instagram (#fingerpointemoji). The emoji uses index finger such as pointing to something to draw attention. The origins of this unusual trend is unknown. But brands and people alike have already joined the bandwagon to showcase humor and creativity.

The fingerpointemoji has four possible types based on the direction of pointing finger (like arrow keys on keyboard).

Have a look at some posts from Zomato, Vistara, Godrej and KFC to get a better idea whats happening and how creatively they are using #fingerpointemoji.

If you are interested to create your own, the best option is to copy the whole stuff and then replace the center emoji otherwise you may mess it up.  Check this one from Tejasvi Surya.
