That’s how to do a TV ad: Stunning! Well done – SONY Bravia

stunning visuals

TV as an advertising media has been extremely abused by the marketers – rarely you will see someone utilizing the strength of this medium which is display and sound. Finally, a brand has realized it and not surprisingly it is a TV brand – SONY Bravia. Just see the ad below. Amazing visuals and wonderful music.


I would say that watch it using headphones and preferably on a big screen (no phones please) with full HD display to enjoy this immersive ad.

Also, if you notice, the implicit ad appeal is rational (informational) and execution is more about demonstrating the features of the product.

Get yourself immersed in the marvelous scenery, dazzling sound effects (check the underwater sound). An ad which i think we can watch many times and get amazed. Well done SONY!

Another magnificent use of TV as an advertising media.