Which is the Best Place to Shoot Viral Videos for Tik Tok?

Viral Videos and Tik Tok

Viral videos and Tik Tok – the HOLY Grail of viral marketing for social influencers. There is unbelievable amount of videos uploaded on every possible platform, be it Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube or the Tik Tok. But the million dollar question is what makes video viral? We all know that video should be entertaining, novel and have some funny moments.

But what we missed is the LOCATION? Where one should shoot video? A recent interesting finding reported in New York Times suggest that most of the viral videos on Tik Tok are shot in bathrooms. These videos are much popular and rated higher than the videos shot in other places.

Well, that’s something to chew on! And yeah, before you thing something dirty, the bathrooms are very well decorated and have proper lighting. So, its time to revamp and renovate the bathroom, if you are dreaming of earning few bucks on Tik Tok (or any other platform).

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