Fabindia Boycott & Reject: Festivity Spirit on Twitter


Fabindia faces Boycott & Rejection on Twitter

Fabindia joins Zomato for boycott. Festivals period is in full swings. Thank God corona effect is minimal and the deathly waves have receded. Cases are declining and vaccinations are high. The cheer and smiles are back and gloom and doom feelings are smoked off! But, even in the much better times (compared to last year), the toxicity and the negativity never leaves the social media – specially Twitter. The hate mongering messages are doing the round.

Boycott and reject trends are the only constant in the social media life.

The usual Zomato is facing the heat of netizens due to sacking an employee over her remarks about National language to a customer. Zomato is a brand that regularly faces Boycott calls and gets coverage in popular media. Another popular boycott brand is Tanishq.

In the last week, Fabindia joined Zomato to face the wrath of online army of Thanos :-), who wanted (or threatened?) everyone else to reject the clothing line launched by Fabindia due to use of Urdu words.

Fabindia deleted some of the promotional tweets and stopped the campaign. They have launched the Diwali special campaign to cool off the sentiments.

Fabindia Diwali Campaign

Today, TataCliq attracted the attention of twitterati! Their ad about festivals is slammed for models wearing a sad look and not using Bindi – leading to #NoBindiNoBusiness trend. The ad is compared with another ad by Ranka Jewellers (have your heard about them?) about how model in the Ranka ad are smiling, carrying a Pooja Thaali and wearing bindi. I suspect role of social media influencers in this particular trend to promote Ranka Jewelers. But, we may never know the truth.


The festival cheer and spirits are high in offline world. The online world is always fighting, full of hatred and abuses toward others.

May be time to ditch the Twitter and take a chill pill (break). To all, enjoy the festivals in true spirit. Wear masks and follow guidelines. Be safe and enjoy the time.

On the other planet, Mr. Virat Kohli is giving gyan about Diwali and how netizens are mocking him (he uses a charter plane – that creates a hell of pollution each trip than Diwali, limited to few hours). But that’s the story for another time!

What brands can do to manage online firestorm? Its very simple. Stop preaching, learn the local culture and deep emotions. Do not do anything stupid!

Stay safe. God Bless Humanity.