
Opinion or review of an ad or marketing campaign.

The Power of Newsjacking: How Brands Can Capitalize on Breaking Stories

The Power of Newsjacking: How Brands Can Capitalize on Breaking Stories In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying relevant and capturing audience attention is crucial for brands. One effective strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is newsjacking. By capitalizing on trending news stories, brands can leverage the attention and awareness surrounding these events to […]

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The Bud Light Dylan Mulvaney Transgender Controversy: Navigating Sensitivity and Representation in Advertising

Advertising has the power to influence and shape public opinion. However, this influence can sometimes lead to controversy when brands fail to navigate sensitive topics with care and understanding. One such incident was the Bud Light Dylan Mulvaney transgender controversy. This controversy brought to the forefront important discussions about transgender representation, inclusivity, and the responsibilities

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Bournvita Controversy: Where is ‘Sach ki Shakti’?

Bournvita controversy: Recently Bournvita, a leading health drink brand targeted to kids and teenagers was caught in a controversy. A social media influencer “foodpharmer” posted on his Instagram reel abut the extremely high sugar content. Mondalez, that owns Cadbury and Bournvita, took a legal action. By sending influencer Revant Himatsingka a legal notice for his

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Generative AI

Generative AI: Going from dull text to the glamour of images

Generative AI: Going from dull text to the glamour of images – ChatGPT has hogged a fair share of limelight in last few weeks. It has overshadowed the craze of metaverse and emerged as the new dominating force, which will change the world forever. Some experts are already predicting doomsday (as in typical Hollywood movies).

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